Friday, November 2, 2012

Hillfolk - Encore

In addition to Mafia Century, I have another setting pitch as part of the newly-christened Pitch of the Month club. Encore is a musical drama best described as Glee: The Reality. It centers around a jukebox musical touring around the country. The leads are the dreamers, has-beens and never-will-bes. It's drawn from my experiences as a theater kid in high school and college as well as the experiences of my friends who continued on and tried to make it as performers. I am most excited about the ideas I have for using actual music in the game. but they've got to get $90,000 to get there. Ten bucks gets you two PDFs full of nearly 60 additional settings plus advice from one of the best living game designers out there.

It's a mad rush to the end.

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