Monday, April 30, 2012

Onion AV Club - Cinematic Titanic Review

Here’s my review of the Cinematic Titanic shows over the weekend. The audience was pull of people I knew like my editor and a few friends,  people I recognized like some of the dancers from Brew City Burlesque, and a ton of people that seemed familiar from years and years at Gen Con.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Page XX - Adaptive Tradecraft

Night's Black Agents is an upcoming RPG that pits burned spies against a vampire conspiracy. Burn Notice is one of my favorite TV shows, especially the parts where Michael Weston cobbles together some cool improvised gadget. I combined these two elements for an article in Pelgrane Press' Page XX magazine.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Onion AV Club - Last Hope LARP

Another interview with a coordinator of a LARP some of my friends are doing this weekend.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Old School Wrap Up - c2e2 2012

High light: Meeting a ton of people I've known only via Twitter and being able to wisecrack with them without the need for thumbs.

Low light: The free wifi on the floor was hit or miss. My tablet never connected but my Kindle Fire worked just fine.

Best experience: Having Ken Hite say he read an upcoming article I wrote and liked it.

Worst experience: My tablet running out of disk space early on Friday and missing some great costumes, like a drag Skrull Phoenix. And that should be a band name.

Best bargain (had to buy it, no freebies): The 5 for $25 Marvel trades booth seemed pretty tapped out this year, but $5 for 35 on hardcovers was still a pretty good deal.

Best freebie:The DC superhero logo pins are always a hit, even if I re-purpose mine as Hero Points for Mutants and Masterminds.

Best Photo Op: The crew at the Zombies Eat Republicans web comic were taking photos of people and photoshopping them to look like zombies. Or maybe Republicans. Scary either way.

Most welcome surprise: A lot of great discussions at the panels I attended.

Most unwelcome surprise:  One of my good friends missing out on Friday due to, and I quote, "puking for the last 12 hours like it was my job."

Best costume: Deadpool wearing a Brony shirt. Because of course he would.

Best costume try: A great Cthulhu, but not as great as the Cthulhu cake.

Most amusing costume: The Beachtrooper, combing stormtrooper armor with bermuda shorts.

Coolest booth: The booth for the Captain America prop auction. Lots of neat things to see there.

Strangest moment: Hanging out with one of  my Nerds@Heart colleagues at a nerd dating panel and wondering if people thought I was creepy because I was wearing a wedding ring.

Favorite item available in the Exhibit Hall: The Mustache Monocle.

Stuff bought:
Atomic Robo trades
Rucka Punisher trade
Iron Man trades
Kitten in a Blender card game
Tardis cookie

Stuff got for free:
AvsX coasters
DC hero pins
Awesome costume shots
Ren Fair tickets

Stuff that was wanted that was unavailable:
Iron Fist trades

Things to buy after c2e2:
The rest of the Atomic Robo collection

Best Quote:
"I call this pose One in the Pink."  - Brony Deadpool

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Collider - Sunset Limited Review

A review of an HBO Original Movie starring Tommy Lee Jones, Samuel L. Jackson and a lot of talk about faith and God.