Sunday, September 16, 2012

Old School Con Report - Geek Kon 2012

High light: Talking with Michael Stackpole and giving him my card.

Low light: The lack of Sarah and Sharon.

Best experience: Playing board games with a table full of good friends.

Worst experience: Getting the evil eye from the wedding the double booked the same weekend. Mazeltov!

Best bargain (had to buy it, no freebies): $20 is still a great deal for the show. It's a great day trip con from Milwaukee.

Best Freebie: There are no additional fees at the show.

Most welcome surprise: We filled the room for our Dating For Nerds panel.

Most unwelcome surprise: Half of our panel showed up late due to the storms.

Best costume: Pete Radke came as Mugatu and got stopped for pictures constantly.

Best costume try: Seems like an easy costume - suit+hair product= 10th Doctor.

Most amusing costume: Someone was driving a Dalek.

Coolest booth and why: Flames Rising. Always good to see Matt and Monica.

Strangest moment:The moment when one of the audience members took over our panel with detailed knowledge of dating websites.

Favorite item available in the Exhibit Hall: Anime buttons.

Stuff bought:
Extra passes

Stuff got for free:
Vampire Dark Ages books

Stuff that was wanted that was unavailable:
Samurai Champloo soundtrack
Cowboy Bebop Soundtrack

Things to buy after Geek Kon:
TeslaCon tickets.

Best Quote:
"Nobody else would think of doing Mugatu".

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