Low light: Looks like my con crud free streak ends here. Time to restart the clock...when I have the energy.
Best experience: Watching Scott work the crowd waiting in line to get stuff signed by Gail. He's the best opening act in the business. Any business.
Worst experience: I could not, for the life of me, make it to a panel on time. I caught the tail end of most, but I felt like I was playing catch-up all weekend.
Best bargain (had to buy it, no freebies): Image trades at the 50% booth. I read Sex Criminals on the way down Saturday and wanted the rest immediately.
Best Freebie: The Star Wars lanyard they gave out on Saturday.
Most welcome surprise: A wide variety of cosplayers. It's not just the Harleys and the Jedis anymore. Good obscure costumes too, like this Visitor from V.
Most unwelcome surprise: The lines are getting bigger. That means c2e2 is going to stay viable, but it means I still didn't get to see the big names at the show.
Best costume: The Hawkman whose wings used real pheasant feathers. Ether the guy has a hook up at a pheasant farm or he needs to take out an insurance policy on those wings.
Cosplay herd names:
A mischief of Lokis
A peg of Agent Carters
Most amusing costume: This Doom was good, but his Latverian accent, which sounded kind of like Death from the second Bill and Ted movie, put it over the top.
Coolest booth and why:
Strangest moment: Realizing the difference between this and SDCC. I think cons this size are more my speed.
Favorite item available in the Exhibit Hall: There were a ton of 50% off trades booths, which always make the trip worthwhile.
Nightwing 1-4
The Star Wars
Sex Criminals 1
Manifest Destiny 1-2
Leia Mucha print
Free Stuff:
Star Wars lanyard
Couldn't Find It:
Atomic Robo Vol. 9
Sex Criminals Vol. 2
Best Quote:
"Let's Sorkin while I get to my next panel."
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